Trachelospermum Jasminoides Pyramide Trachelospermum Jasminoides Pyramide
- Height/Spread: 5-8cm length
- Flowering Period: Summer
- Growing Conditions: Full light with shade from hot sun.
Trachelospermum are self-twining evergreen climbing shrubs with glossy ovate leaves and jasmine-like, highly fragrant flowers, sometimes followed by bean-like seed-pods. Should be grown in fertile well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade with shelter from cold winds. Planting should occur with loam-based potting compost in full light from hot sun. Propagate by layering cutttings and is ideal for planting in locations like hedging, wall-side borders, containers and courtyards.
Susceptible to cushion scale, may be affected by mealybugs and glasshouse red spider mite under glass and generally disease free. During the growing season, water regularly and apply a balanced feed monthly.
Should take place all year round with pruning in early spring. Provide the twining stems with an appropriate frame support such as trellis, an obelisk or wires.
Please note: All plants listed are stocked by Bents at various periods throughout the year, however, due to seasonality and variations in weather and growing conditions some lines may be unavailable. We advise contacting the store prior to your visit to check on availability.