These stunning spring/summer flowers are tall with scented cones that range in color from deep purple to green at the tips. They sit above palm-shaped green leaves and are known to attract bees. They thrive in sunny borders with well-drained soil and make excellent cut flowers.
Please be advised that the plant's growth and size will vary depending on the planting position and conditions.
All plant listed are stocked by Bents at various periods throughout the year, however, due to seasonality and variations in weather and growing conditions some lines may be unavailable. We advise contacting the store prior to your visit to check on availability.
✓ Hardiness: Colder than -20C
✓ Container: Borders
✓ Sun/Shade: Likes Full Sun
✓ Soil Type: Gravelly Soil, Loam (Normal), Poor Soil, Sandy Soil
✓ Soil Ph: All Types
✓ Drainage: Well Drained Soil
✓ Hazardous: Yes, Potentially Harmful If Eaten
Please note: All plant listed are stocked by Bents at various periods throughout the year, however, due to seasonality and variations in weather and growing conditions some lines may be unavailable. We advise contacting the store prior to your visit to check on availability.